University of Northampton International College

The University of Northampton

Why study at the University of Northampton

The University of Northampton offers a unique blend of vibrant campus life, superb facilities and academic excellence. At the heart of all that they offer is their commitment to transforming lives and inspiring change.

The University is proud of their ground-breaking new areas of study and their growing reputation for research excellence. They ensure all students have access to extensive libraries, IT suites, studios, innovative learning spaces and laboratories. University life is spread across two linked campuses, with restaurants, shops, bars, Students' Union and a range of accommodation options.

Based in Northamptonshire, in the heart of England and only a short journey from London, Birmingham, Oxford and Cambridge, there is never a shortage of things to do and see. While the county boasts rolling countryside, castles and canals, the town of Northampton offers you an exciting urban experience, complete with activities, events, nightclubs, bars, shops and sports. At the University of Northampton all students are offered an outstanding academic experience, filled with learning and teaching excellence, cutting edge facilities and an exciting and stimulating life both on and off campus.


Employability Services at the University of Northampton

Finishing university with a good degree is great, graduating with a well-rounded and complete set of employability skills is even better. That is why the University of Northampton works hard to support students to become highly employable graduates.


The Changemaker Hub

The Changemaker Hub works with students throughout their degree to develop and enhance employability skills. There are a wide variety of additional opportunities to develop these skills including volunteering, work placements, internships, part-time jobs and the opportunity to become a University Ambassador. Students are then supported to evidence these skills through their CV, job applications and interviews.


Employability Plus

All students at the University of Northampton can take part in Employability Plus. This is a unique service to the university and provides the opportunity to gain more than just a good degree. It incentivises, rewards and recognises a student's investment in activities taken undertaken outside of the degree programme, supporting them to give and get more out of the things they choose to do.


New £330m Campus that opened September 2018

Situated close to the town centre, the brand new Waterside Campus will provide academic facilities for 15,000 students as well as accommodation options and social facilities. It has been designed to provide you with everything you will need to live, learn and become your home away from home. Choose us for your UK studies and you will be one of the fist students to walk through the doors of the Waterside Campus! For more information and a virtual tour please click here.

Visit the University of Northampton website



Anne Marie Kilday

Vice Chancellor of the University of Northampton


Professor Anne-Marie Kilday
Vice Chancellor


For information about University of Northampton International College (UNIC) click here. Or to read what some of our previous and current students have to say click here.